Fundraiser Ideas with Plush Toys

If you're looking to raise funds for your charity event, consider wholesale plush toys! They're perfect for any organization involved with children or youth. Below are a few tips for making a bulk stuffed toy purchase, and underneath we feature some items that present the best value for your fundraising endeavor. Good luck! 

- Best for: Schools, hospitals or non-profits that help children in need

- Families with small children are most likely to respond to a fundraiser that uses plush toys

- Most non-profits try to double or triple the cost of the items in order to maximize fundraising efforts

Custom-Printed Pricing
ITEM 24-47 pcs 48-143 pcs 144-287 pcs 288-599 pcs  600-1199 pcs 1200+ pcs
Custom-Printed T-Shirt $4 ea. $3.50 ea. $3 ea. $2.75 ea. $2.60 ea. $2.50 ea.
Custom-Printed White Bandanna $3.25 ea. $2.25 ea. $1.75 ea. $1.50 ea. $1.35 ea. $1.25 ea.
Custom-Printed Button $2.50 ea. $2 ea. $1.75 ea. $1.50 ea. $1.35 ea. $1.25 ea.
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